Conference Recap: 7th Annual Maddie’s® Shelter Medicine Conference

Animal Farm Foundation

2014: Another great year for shelter medicine continuing education!Maddie's Fund

Nearly 200 veterinarians, staff, veterinary students, and shelter leaders came to Orlando, Florida for the 7th Annual Maddie’s® Shelter Medicine Conference.

A special thank you goes to the event’s sponsors, especially Maddie’s Fund® and Animal Farm Foundation, for making it the event possible.  All of our sponsors and exhibitors supported Shelter Medicine training.  We appreciate their joining us to share their work with our attendees. Participants are always excited to learn about valuable resources available to the Shelter Medicine community.

Conference participantsFifty-five percent of those attending the 2014 event were veterinarians. While most traveled from across the United States, International participation was also strong. Participants hailed from Canada, the United Arab Emirates, St. Kitts and Nevis, and Bermuda. The Australian contingent was the largest, with five Aussie ambassadors making the long voyage to Florida.  Check out the photo gallery.

Going to the Dogs

2014 Conference - Dog DataAnimal Farm Foundation made it possible to add an entire day of content to the conference in 2014. Speakers included the incredible Aimee Sadler of Playing for Life, Dr. Cynda Crawford, Dr. Julie Levy, and Animal Farm’s Caitlin Quinn. Their presentations brought to light some of the critical issues at the intersection of health and welfare in the shelter: playgroups, creative adoption programs, and the problems with breed-based policies. Animal Farm Foundation also hosted a delightful welcome reception that evening.

Diving into Infectious Diseases

Dr. Cannon conference presentationOther popular sessions focused on infectious diseases in cat hoarding and dog fighting, presented by Maddie’s® Shelter Medicine Residents Drs. Katherine Polak and Staci Cannon. Dr. Natalie Isaza, of the University of Florida’s Veterinary Community Outreach Program, shared her insights from treating heartworm disease in more than 500 shelter dogs.

Caring for Cats

The inspiring Dr. Kate Hurley led a two-part session on cats and capacity for care: physical capacity, staff capacity, and developing policies and procedures that enable shelters to meet current guidelines. Dr. Luisito Pablo addressed CPR in community cat TNR clinics, and Dr. Annette Litster shared some of her latest research on retrovirus transmission.

Sharing the Knowledge

Because of the support of Maddie’s Institute, the conference sessions were recorded and will soon be posted here and on the Maddie’s Institute website. Participants are encouraged to share the videos with their coworkers, and those who missed the event can still take advantage of the fantastic content.

Thank you to all of our participants, speakers, and sponsors for making 2014’s Maddie’s® Shelter Medicine Conference such a success!

Thank You to Our Sponsors!

Maddie's Fund Animal Farm Foundation
Idexx logo Boehringer-Ingelheim Vetmedica
ASPCA Grants
Bacon Group Architecthure Humane Society Veterinary Medical Association The Humane Society of the United States Crijo Pet Products
Ogena Solutions Petfinder PetPoint Tomahawk Live Trap
Veterinary Products Laboratories  Maddie's Professional Certificate

 2014 Photo Gallery

poster session
7th Annual Maddie's Shelter Medicine Conference
7th Annual Maddie's Shelter Medicine Conference
7th Annual Maddie's Shelter Medicine Conference
7th Annual Maddie's Shelter Medicine Conference
7th Annual Maddie's Shelter Medicine Conference
7th Annual Maddie's Shelter Medicine Conference
Frontiers in Shelter Medicine sponsored by the ASPCA
Dr. Staci Cannon
HSVMA table at conference
7th Annual Maddie's Shelter Medicine Conference
Veterinary Products Laboratories
7th Annual Maddie's Shelter Medicine Conference
Students from Maddie's Online Graduate Certificate in Shelter Medicine
7th Annual Maddie's Shelter Medicine Conference
poster session
7th Annual Maddie's Shelter Medicine Conference
7th Annual Maddie's Shelter Medicine Conference
7th Annual Maddie's Shelter Medicine Conference
7th Annual Maddie's Shelter Medicine Conference
Aimee Sadler and Dr. Cynda Crawford
7th Annual Maddie's Shelter Medicine Conference
PetPoint table at conference
2014 Conference Gallery