There’s still time to enroll in the fantastic Compassion Fatigue Strategies online course with Jessica Dolce. It begins today, Sept. 24, but its flexible, self-paced schedule allows you to join the course in-progress until Oct. 6.
What do students who’ve taken it have to say about it?
Jessica Dolce’s compassion fatigue course couldn’t have come at a more perfect time. My job as a private veterinary practitioner had left me burnt out. I had recently accepted my dream job as a shelter veterinarian, and I wanted to prepare myself to enjoy this job through retirement. Jessica’s course had everything I needed: well-organized and informative educational lessons, phone calls that guided me through meditation and relaxation practices to use in my daily life, and online interaction with other animal welfare workers who faced the same struggles and setbacks I did.
I came away from Jessica’s course with a better understanding of what compassion fatigue looks like in different situations. I can now help my colleagues identify and counteract the emotional spiral that can overtake us in times of crisis. I’ve been given valuable tools to use when I’m struggling with my own emotions in this difficult field. Above all, I feel I have a network of like-minded individuals who know how to help.
During the semester, Jessica’s interaction with her students was above and beyond. She was always ready to offer a pertinent reading or online resource. She has a deep love for poetry, giving us yet another way to express and reflect on our emotions. And her suggestions for looking at a situation from an alternate perspective were always spot-on.
I’m so glad I found this course. I have recommend it to everyone in my organization,, knowing that all shelter workers, from kennel staff to adoption counselors, are at risk for compassion fatigue. It’s a course that should be required of all veterinarians, veterinary nurses, and shelter administrators.” – Jessica Snyder, DVM
I have been at the SPCA Serving Erie County in Buffalo, NY for 25+ years as a Licensed Veterinary Technician, Behavior Department Supervisor, and Transport Coordinator. Each of these roles has come with its own challenges as they relate to compassion fatigue.
Jessica’s Compassion Fatigue Strategies course provided me the tools to identify what I was experiencing and find ways to manage the fallout associated with the work we do.
In addition, it helped me to identify compassion fatigue in co-workers, and ultimately to collaborate with a co-worker who had also taken the course to present a very successful half-day session to 90 staff members.
There was a lot of emotion released and painful stories shared while also providing strategies to manage these feelings and resources to utilize when one recognizes that their compassion fatigue is having a significant effect on their life.
Thank you Jessica for making this very important course available to those who struggle daily in the animal welfare field. – Barbara Frazier, LVT, Transport Coordinator, SPCA Serving Erie County
The course runs for eight weeks from Sept. 24-Nov. 11, 2018; registration will end Oct. 6. It is open to anyone who works with animals, and is eligible for 15 CE credits. The fee is $200. Interested students can learn more and register at Online Compassion Fatigue Strategies.