All Posts by

Julie Levy

2016 Animal Sheltering Statistics

Haston R, Abbondanza M, Buckman J, Cosby-Jennings S, Dixon J, Fricke I, Haworth D, Ippoliti-Smith M, Kelley N, Levy JK, Kent S, Kilmer V, McHugh-Smith J, Pedersen L, Robertson J, Reed A, Telford J, Thompson S, Webber D, White S, and Zeidman S. 2018 Shelter Animals Count.

Feline leukemia virus infection

Hartmann K, and Levy JK. In, Ettinger SJ, Feldman EC, eds. Textbook of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 8th ed, 2017 WB Saunders Co. Philadelphia, PA, USA. 978-983.