The Right Outcome for Every Cat
Map Your Superhighway to the Best Outcome for Every Cat


Meow is a skittish adult cat first noticed to be visiting the backyard a few times over the last few months. Meow seems to be in good condition, but no one knows if he has a steady source of food and shelter.

Gray tabby cat


Fizzy is one in a litter of three kittens born on a farm to a feral queen. All of the kittens have eye discharge and it looks like one of his eyes has ruptured.

Mother cat and 3 kittens


Felix is a friendly 10-week old kitten found with his littermates in a box in front of a closed supermarket. The store manager called the shelter to request a pick-up.

Vox of 4 black and white kittens


Snowy is a feral cat dropped off at a local emergency clinic overnight. There is no information about who brought her in or where she came from.

White and tabby cat in cage

Miss Kitty

Miss Kitty is a friendly adult cat with a flea collar who was found thin and meowing in the front yard of a residence. She ran inside their house when the door opened. The residents posted “Found Cat” signs in the neighborhood and heard that she belonged to a family that moved away 3 months ago.

Orange and white cat with collar

Peanut Butter

Peanut Butter is a friendly male cat who was born in the neighborhood 2 years ago. He regularly visits several back porches for snacks. Lately he’s been spraying a screen door and aggravating an indoor cat who lives there.

Orange and white cat stretching