Posts tagged as

Animal Shelter

Study: Increasing Access to Heartworm Treatment for Dogs in Shelters

A new study in partnership with the University of Florida Shelter Medicine Program, Toronto Humane Society, and Lucky Dog Animal Rescue, made possible by a grant from PetSmart Charities, has the potential to change the way animal shelters across the United States treat heartworm infected dogs. Heartworm…

A Legacy in Animal Welfare Leads to Shelter Medicine

Michaela Oglesby, class of ’24 in the UF College of Veterinary Medicine, is graduating this month with a list of accomplishments as long as a dog’s tail. In addition to earning a Master’s in Shelter Medicine, a Certificate in Veterinary Forensics, and the Certificate in Shelter Medicine, she is this…

2023 Florida Shelter-Level Data

Intake/Outcome Data Self-Reported by Shelters Data for the Florida Shelter Animal Census is self-reported by individual animal shelters and then compiled for statewide statistical summaries by the Shelter Medicine Program at the University of Florida. Here are a few things to consider while viewing the data: The…

The Million Cat Challenge

Communities and shelters alike have long been developing and seeking solutions to the euthanasia of healthy and treatable cats in animal shelters. Today, we know that “a cat revolution” is at hand, and that euthanasia of cats who aren’t hopelessly suffering can be replaced with programs that are dramatically more humane…

Kitten Shelter Diversion

In the process of refining trap-neuter-return programs for community cats over the years, it’s apparent that while return to the community via TNR is usually the best option for thriving adult cats, young kittens do not fare as well. It has been reported that 50%-75% of kittens living in the…