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November 2023 eNews

Declining adoption trends - Doggy day outs - Optimal cat petting sessions - Return to owner - Trap-neuter-return - Community cats - Spay/neuter research - Grants

May 2023 eNews

Shelter Medicine Certificate graduates - Veterinarian Shortage - Free Job Board - Emergency Response - Community Cats - Shelter Medicine Conference - Job-Alikes - Grants

April 2023 eNews

Community Cat Course - ASV Guidelines Conference - RTO - Shelter Medicine Conference - Job-Alikes - Telemedicine - Access to Care - Kitten Behavior - HQJVSN - Grants

March 2023 eNews

Community Cat Summer Fellowship - Shelter Medicine courses - Scaling up Return-to-Field - Grants for Animal Welfare - Long-Stay Dogs - Connect with Peers in Job Alikes

Canine Health

Optimizing heartworm diagnosis in dogs using… Published on April 26, 2021 Lane JN, Litster A, Little SE, Rodriguez JY, Mwacalimba KK, Sundstrom KD, Amirian ES, Guerios SD, Serrano MA, Hays KM, Levy JK. Parasit…