October 2023 eNews
Shelter medicine internship - Animal shelter leadership certificate - Recruiting veterinarians - Community cat research - Human-animal bond - Grants
Shelter medicine internship - Animal shelter leadership certificate - Recruiting veterinarians - Community cat research - Human-animal bond - Grants
Access to veterinary care - Disaster response - Spay-neuter - FeLV/FIV/FIP research - Cat friendly decision making - Grants
FeLV and FIV management - FIP Treatment - Spay/Neuter ID - Shelter Medicine research - Dog Population Management - Grants
Community Cats - TNR - International - Dog Population Management - Rabies - FeLV - FIP - Veterinary Students - Nonsurgical Contraception - Neonatal Kittens
Dezubiria P, Amirian ES, Spera K, Crawford PC and Levy JK. Animal shelter management of feline leukemia virus and feline immunodeficiency virus infections in cats. Front. Vet. Sci. 2023 9:1003388. doi: 10.3389/fvets.2022.1003388…
Animal shelter management of feline leukemia… Published on January 25, 2023 Dezubiria P, Amirian ES, Spera K, Crawford PC and Levy JK. Animal shelter management of feline leukemia virus and feline immunodeficiency virus……
Parr YA, Beall MJ, Levy JK, McDonald M, Hamman NT, Willett BJ, Hosie MJ. Viruses. 2021 Mar 7;13(3):428. doi: 10.3390/v13030428. PMID: 33800090…
Beall MJ, Buch J, Clark G, Estrada M, Rakitin A, Hamman NT, Frenden MK, Jefferson EP, Amirian ES, Levy JK. Viruses. 2021 Feb 15;13(2):302. doi: 10.3390/v13020302.PMID: 33671961…
Levy JK. In, Miller L, Janeczko S, Hurley KF (eds), Infectious Disease Management in Animal Shelters, 2nd ed, 2021 Wiley-Blackwell, 546-561…