Posts tagged as

Shelter Medicine


Unlocking Humane Solutions to Animal Welfare Problems Our experienced faculty members explore the big issues for Shelter Medicine. Study ideas almost always arise as problems animal welfare workers are encountering in the field. We also rely on these shelter partners as priceless sources of data from the frontlines and appreciate…

Shelter Medicine Internship

Immersive Internship Program Powered by National Nonprofit Petco Love As animal welfare organizations nationwide struggle with the effects of the growing shortage of veterinarians, a lack of veterinary care and spay-neuter are driving euthanasia rates upward. But thanks to the generous investment by national nonprofit Petco Love, the UF College…

Residents, Interns, Scholars

Shelter Medicine Resident Dr. Laura Andersen-Koester Maddie’s Shelter Medicine Resident2009-2012 Currently: VeterinarianVetco Total CareClive, Iowa SHELTER…