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Working Cat Programs

Sometimes, it’s not possible to return a cat to its original location — reasons can include: The original location is unknown, as when a cat is left at a veterinary clinic or shelter without a detailed address The original location is being destroyed or redeveloped The original caregiver is gone…

The Million Cat Challenge

Communities and shelters alike have long been developing and seeking solutions to the euthanasia of healthy and treatable cats in animal shelters. Today, we know that “a cat revolution” is at hand, and that euthanasia of cats who aren’t hopelessly suffering can be replaced with programs that are dramatically more humane…

Kitten Shelter Diversion

In the process of refining trap-neuter-return programs for community cats over the years, it’s apparent that while return to the community via TNR is usually the best option for thriving adult cats, young kittens do not fare as well. It has been reported that 50%-75% of kittens living in the…

November 2023 eNews

Declining adoption trends - Doggy day outs - Optimal cat petting sessions - Return to owner - Trap-neuter-return - Community cats - Spay/neuter research - Grants

October 2023 eNews

Shelter medicine internship - Animal shelter leadership certificate - Recruiting veterinarians - Community cat research - Human-animal bond - Grants

September 2023 eNews

Access to veterinary care - Disaster response - Spay-neuter - FeLV/FIV/FIP research - Cat friendly decision making - Grants