We’ll be at Expo in Kansas City next week. If you will be, too, please be sure to stop by booth 411 and say hi to us and to the Million Cat Challenge team, and catch us as we present on managing community cats, shelter assessments, and preventing and responding to disease outbreaks.
Speaking of the Million Cat Challenge: Four years ago, we came together at the exact same conference and challenged ourselves to achieve an absurdly audacious goal: to save 1 million more shelter cats in five years. It had never been done before and, honestly, we didn’t know it was even possible. But we made a promise to each other, wrote it down on scraps of paper, and took a leap.
Meet us right next to the Grand Ballroom in 2501 D pm Wednesday evening, May 16, 2018, at 5:30 PM, and celebrate something absolutely amazing!
We also hope you’ll join our own Cameron Moore, who serves as our Million Cat Challenge program manager, at a lunchtime roundtable discussion of removing barriers to implementing TNR and return to field programs. She’ll be at Table 28 on Wednesday, May 16, from 8-10 AM in the Grand Ballroom.
And that’s not all! Dr. Julie Levy and Dr. Cynda Crawford, along with shelter consultant partner Dr. Sara Pizano, are all presenting at Expo. Here’s where and how to catch them:
Monday, May 14, 2018
7:30 AM-3 PM
Managing community cats: How to fix 300 cats in a weekend
In this hands-on learning lab, participants will learn the basics of setting up and operating a mass spay/neuter clinic. NOTE: This learning lab will take place at Spay and Neuter Kansas City. Roundtrip transportation from the Convention Center will be provided. Bus will depart promptly at 7:30 a.m.
Presenters: Dr. Julie Levy, Professor of Shelter Medicine, University of Florida Maddie’s Shelter Medicine Program, College of Veterinary Medicine and Million Cat Challenge Co-Founder; Dr. Christine Wilford, Founder, Feral Cat Spay/Neuter Project
Holistic approach to community and shelter assessments
In this workshop, participants will learn the powerful connection between accessible community programs and shelter intake/euthanasia. NOTE: This learning lab will take place at Great Plains SPCA. Roundtrip transportation from the Convention Center will be provided. Bus will depart promptly at 7:30 a.m.
Presenter: Dr. Sara Pizano, Consultant, Team Shelter USA
Wednesday, May 16, 2018
10:15-11:45 AM
Become a wizard of wellness, Find the magic to minimizing disease outbreaks
You will all become wizards of wellness through this engaging and hands-on session about how to prepare for and what to do when faced with an unexpected disease outbreak in your shelter.
Panelists: Cynda Crawford, Maddie’s Clinical Assistant Professor of Shelter Medicine, Maddie’s Shelter Medicine Program, University of Florida; Dr. Michael Greenberg, Program Director, Target Zero. Moderator: Laurie Peek, DVM, Executive Leadership Team, Maddie’s Fund
Balancing customer care with capacity for care: Mastering the art of “Yes, and …”
We never want to say “no” to an animal or community member in need, but how do we balance that with our capacity to care for the animals already in the shelter? In this lively and participatory workshop, leaders in the field will share practical, service-oriented ways to turn, “No, we can’t take this cat today” into “Yes, we will help you, and here are some options.”
Presenters: Dr. Kate Hurley, Director, UC Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program and Million Cat Challenge Co-Founder; Dr. Julie Levy, Professor of Shelter Medicine, University of Florida Maddie’s Shelter Medicine Program, College of Veterinary Medicine and Million Cat Challenge Co-Founder
Thursday, May 17, 2018
9:00-10:30 AM
What comes after one million?
At an Expo not long ago, we dared to imagine reaching a tipping point for how cats are cared for in our shelters and communities. The Million Cat Challenge was born out of the energy of that gathering. Our goal was to document and support the successful cat-saving strategies springing up across North America. Just five years later, the goal of “the million” has been convincingly exceeded—but we’re not done yet. Millions more cats will count on us in the years to come, and shelters need tools, knowledge and community support to succeed. Find out the best lessons learned from the first million and discover how you can be part of locking in and perfecting the methods that work to help cats, the people who care for them and the communities we serve. Level 3
Presenters: Dr. Kate Hurley, Director, UC Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program and Million Cat Challenge Co-founder; Dr. Julie Levy, Professor of Shelter Medicine, University of Florida Maddie’s Shelter Medicine Program, College of Veterinary Medicine and Million Cat Challenge Co-Founder